Should Women Be Given Equal Pay For Equal Work?

Are Men In Business Really Afraid Of Successful Women

The Senate has just failed to approve “The Fair Pay Act”. It would have helped equalize the gender gap between woman’s pay and men’s pay. Woman are still paid less the 80 cents on every dollar that men earn in the United States. What is your reaction to this vote? Your comments below?

From CNN Money: “Working, but Still Poor”

“How to Get a Job in 6 Weeks – Guaranteed” Register Here Editor’s Note: In this article from CNN Money, it was reported that millions of Americans currently work up to 70 hours a week and are still not making enough money to support their families. Because of low-paying, minimum wage jobs, many people work two jobs and rely on federal…

Is this Online Sexism?

Free Guide to Getting a Job Over Fifty: CLICK HERE “You definitely win the prize for the best Linked In picture I have ever seen” was a message sent to a female colleague by a senior partner at a London law firm. Her response: “I find your message offensive, I am on Linked In for business purposes…