If you’re STILL LOOKING for a job… it might not be your JOB SKILLS, but your job HUNTING skills that are holding you back!
If you are over 40 and haven’t been in the job market lately, you might just need to brush up on all of the new job hunting tools.
Have you ever taken a job skills assessment?
From custom search engines to professional social networks, job hunting and connecting now requires a virtual education. Even resume and cover letter styles have changed to accommodate the digital landscape.
Yes, the internet has changed everything! To be competitive in the job market today, YOU must change too! InternsOverForty and ejobcoach have teamed up to create a free PERSONAL JOB SKILLS ASSESSMENT.
Just take a few minutes to answer the questionnaire about your approach to job hunting, and we will be able to identify your weak areas and guide you to success. Click Here to take the ASSESSMENT.
Learning HOW to find a job is the FIRST step to getting back to work!
Don’t miss this LIVE EVENT “How to Get a Job in 6 Weeks – Guaranteed” Register Here