(Editor’s Note) This article, from The New York Times by Tara Siegel Bernard, is targeting a younger audience, but the message is applicable to job seekers of all ages. It is important to understand that 21st century technology has changed job hunting strategies. If you are in a career transition and not paying attention to sites liked Linkedin or to keywords in your resume,…
Age Bias, Ageism, Featured Article, Job Seeker
Over 50, Female and Jobless – New York Times Reports
Over 50, Female and Jobless, Even as Others Return to Work Editors Note: Patricia Cohen, New York Times Writer, chronicles the downward spiral of women job hunters in the last decade from findings revealed in a new study on long-term unemployment from the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis. Ten years ago, less than 25% of the unemployed women remained…
Age Bias, Ageism, WEBINARS:Job Seekers And Employers
Double Whammy for Women Job Seekers Over 40
This article from the Huffington Post, discusses new studies which reveal that the group most discriminated against in hiring are women over the age of 40.In a study conducted by the National Bureau of Economic Research, 12,000 fake résumés were sent out, all from women with college degrees: Women aged 35-37 and 40-42 received callbacks 11-12% of…
“Never Give Up”:Diana Nyad at 64 Year Old Swims Cuba to Key West (Video)
An extraordinary effort at any age. Diana Nyad demonstrates what it is to “Never Give Up”, as she successfully swims over 100 miles from Cuba to Key West. These words “Never Give Up” should be posted on your mirror every morning as you practice for your next difficult job interview. Hope you are as inspired…
Age Bias, Ageism, career confidential 5 tips age discrimination webinar, Job Seeker
Huffington Post: Older Workers Stay Unemployed Longer (or forever?)
Free Online Workshops you can’t afford to miss. 5 Tips to Battle Ageism Register Here How to Get a Job in 6 Weeks – Guaranteed” Register Here Editor’s Note: It’s not good news, there is indeed a penalty for aging in the job market. The search is longer, offers are few, and pay is lower. The longer an older…
Age Bias, Ageism, WEBINARS:Job Seekers And Employers
Hippies No More: Baby Boomers Play it Safe
(Editors Note) August, 2015 marks the 46th anniversary of Woodstock. A new study has just been released by Northwestern Mutual that examines where Americans take risks and reveals that the Woodstock generation (Baby Boomers, 50-68 years old) are generally conservative across the board in almost all areas of their lives. “While just shy of being…
Age Bias, Ageism, Lifestyle, Networking, News
The New York Times: Nearing Retirement? It’s Time to Be Creative
Editor’s Note: In a May report issued by The Transamerica Center for Retirement Studies, 82% of those surveyed in their sixties plan to keep working past age sixty-five, and 18% of that group do not plan on retiring at all. Among those surveyed in their fifties, 50% plan on working past age sixty-five, and out of that…
Age Bias, Ageism, Lifestyle, Stress, Tips
“Forever Young” Boomers Take Classes in Aging
“Forever Young” Boomers Take Classes in Aging FREE Online Workshop: “5 Tips to Battle Ageism” Register Here From The Washington Post: This article discusses the many classes that have popped up for aging boomers as tools to explore emerging options for life in the senior years. Consultants, single classes, courses and seminars cover topics from physical…