6 search results for "personal branding"

Branding Yourself in Mid Life

Branding In Midlife

Marva Goldsmith is an insightful writer who  knows what it is to reinvent yourself as an older worker. Part of the game is how you look. Do you look 60 or 20? What is appropriate for a seasoned skilled worker to wear to a job interview? Her book on Branding Over 50 offers some insight.…

Would You Like To Build Your Personal Brand? (Video)

To change careers as an older professional or simply get a job, you need to learn how to do some personal branding.  Before you start, there are 5 crucial questions you MUST ask yourself.  In today’s world knowing your personal brand allows you to present yourself  in terms that potential employers can understand.To see what…

Career Coach: Start Here

New Career Advisor Marketplace: Join Interns Over 40 Insider Welcome to our “How to” Tools and Quick Search Articles for “New Careers for Skilled Workers” As a Career Advisor or Coach you deal everyday with people who are searching for purpose in their professional careers. In today’s current job market this is not an easy goal to achieve. Finding…