5 Career Transition Questions You Should Know The Answer To.
- What is my Purpose?
- What are my career abilities? ‚
- Is my current career dead or killing me? (aka “I am miserable”)
- What skills do I have that are transferable to a new job?
- Where should I be looking for my new career?
If you are seeking the answers to any of these questions then maybe it is time to try to put a method to the madness. You can take a free psychometric career test that is approved by a PhD-qualified social scientist. It takes only a few minutes.
What does your career test reveal?
1. Your top 3 “Fields of Work” selected from the official US Department of Labor careers database on the basis of your individual responses to the questionnaire.
2. Which one of the 16 career personality types you fit into and what types of work you are best suited to.
3. Your 6 dominant career abilities and 3 dominant career intelligences – again this provides clues to your most suitable career.
4. How you rate on the 6 key skills of the “Knowledge Age”.
We all know the magic feeling when your abilities, interests and temperament are aligned with your career and your life’s purpose. All a sudden a new-found energy and motivation that drives you to new levels of contentment and achievement. Feeling like a 33-year-old (newbie) instead of a 63 years old (Has Been). Waking up excited to pursue a new career. You are the only one that can control this.
You can read more about the unique, personalized e-book: How to Find Your Life’s Purpose and Ideal Career when you have completed 7 minute questionnaire. Start Your Free Career Test Here.
Have You Prepared For Your Job Interviews Like It’s The Super Bowl? Learn More Here.
tried to take the free quiz, registered 2 times, got 2 passwords… no test.
Is this the page you went to. Go to the link at the bottom of the page. It is working. Sorry for the hassle. https://www.internsoverforty.com/is-your-career-stuck-or-in-reverse-need-a-career-overhaul/